Impact Media has on society

What is the collective impact of Media on culture, gender, the economy, and you?
Media plays a very large role in what shapes our views and perspectives on/of society. The news that we see each and every day is specifically broadcasted from certain countries that the viewers find more interesting and time worthy. This means that most of the news revolves around Europe, the Americas, and parts of Asia. Due to the lens that we are given, we are only given one point of view to relate to and identify as important. The government only sees some crisis’s in the world as important, since the population shares the same perspective. Africa and Asia are disregarded. Most of the countries if not a large majority are third world so in other words at the moment a lost cause. I think this impacts me, because growing up, before I was able to think for myself, I assumed what I heard and saw was always right. It wasn’t until I began traveling that I saw the impact Media has on my life. Almost all the decisions I made were thought out. Whether or not they were right, or seen as the norm or ‘weird’. I discovered gender inequality while living in India, and saw how it was changing and were improvements could be made. Women over the past decade have slowly been getting more and more rights. The amount of standards set up for women are far greater than men, but now that the social media is addressing these issues, the situation is getting better as is gender equality. Social media defines the environment and pretty much everything we do. Culture across the world has different traditions and rules to abide by or respect. For most cultures, especially the stricter ones, media is despised since it represents everything new and modern. Most views are frowned upon and discouraged, and in turn Media does not exist in most countries who follow stricter beliefs. Furthermore the economy IS influenced by it, whether it knows it or not. It boosts communication and connects people from all over the world. Today the economy is benefited by media, it allows everyone to branch out and share their goods and ideas from all over the world. In the end, media has its up and downs, if it didn’t the word to describe it would be…perfect.

5 Thoughts.

  1. I agree with you that “third-world” countries are often disregarded. With the main focus of World Wide Media on “First-World” problems. Even though the “third-worlds” problems are equally or more important than “first-worlds”.

  2. I really like your post and your views on media, they differed from mine. What do you think about the promotion of drugs in the music industry lately?

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